Sunday, 31 August 2014


As the title suggests I went Piggin' this weekend, I'm also going to presume that you have no idea what I mean by that. It's actually quite simple, I went to Another Piggin' Rally run by the Greedy Pigs M.C.C and it was absolutely amazing! I even had the pleasure of making a few new friends and drinking a bastard tonne of Monster.

So if you're wondering why an idiotic wannabe author, who is about as shy as they come, ended up going on a bike rally it's simply because my awesome mate Nath invited me. As it just so happens to be, his parents are both members of the Greedy Pigs, and so they had to go up to help out, naturally bringing Nathan with them, who decided it would be a good idea to bring me also.

I'm so glad he did, I had a blast!

Thursday wasn't that interesting since it was just setting everything up and preparing for the rally. Friday and Saturday however were awesome once everything kicked in. I have to say we were all a bit worried on Friday, there wasn't anyone arriving until about half-past-three in the afternoon. Usually people start arriving from seven in the morning, but not this time, some of the Greedy Pigs were thinking about shutting the rally down, but news on the radio said there had been a major accident on one of the A roads, which was the primary access point to the rally. Bad news to most people, but not for the Pigs, it just meant people were held up, and not abandoning us.

Once people arrived there were all sorts of laughs to be had, I even had my face painted up to look like a cat, so I could be a bit more convincing when I meow at random passers by, and look even creepier when standing on the side of the road waving at cars and keeping a mental count of how many dirty looks/middle fingers/waves/honks we received. I think we almost caused a few crashes that day, but we didn't so all's well that ends well.

In the end me and Nath got a free tent, because some idiots left a perfectly good, brand new, two-man tent behind. So me and Nath claimed it, meaning next time we don't have to use that over-sized tent that we used this time.

I've definitely enjoyed this weekend, I even have a few people now who only know me as Kitty, which is excellent. My next step is to start introducing myself around college as Kitty, conveniently enough I start tomorrow, so I may soon have this as an official nickname.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

HEAVY SMEGGING METAL!!!!! (and various other genres)

I'm just going to be frank and simply say that this week hasn't been particularly good. In fact it's welcomed my old friend depression back into my life with open arms, and even decided it was time for me to feel ill. I do however have at least one good thing to say about this week, so instead of returning this blog to it'd old ways of documenting my depression, I'm going to focus on the cool bit.

This week came with four gifts, first and foremost being my brothers entire CD collection which includes quite a lot of CD's I was also given the CD cabinet to stick everything in. Included in the CD collection are some albums I've been wanting for quite some time such as The Wall, Moving Pictures and Dance of Death. Unfortunately I haven't found Master of Reality or Killer yet, but I've only briefly scanned. I have however found a signed copy of Dirty Diamonds by Alice Cooper, so I'm not complaining.

The next gift I received was a customised 100 watt Marshall amplifier. It's had the mesh kicked in, but it's had the capacitors replaced meaning it works at an obscenely high volume without having that annoying "Signature Marshall Hum" which I'm not a big fan of. There are however two problems with the amp, firstly it doesn't do quiet, so It very loud and quickly deafens you when you stand in such a small room (like my own), and secondly it doesn't work without the pedal board.

Coincidentally the pedal board was the third gift, annoyingly it isn't Velcro'd down so the pedals move a little, it has also been customised to smeg so that nothing is as labelled. It does however include a distortion pedal, a wah-wah, a delay pedal, a tremolo pedal, a flanger, a volume, and another random pedal which is used to turn on the flanger and tremolo. It's a lot of fun to use, but it's experimental and it doesn't provide the sounds I want which is a shame. There is also a compressor on there which is permanently active to stop the amp from exploding, and also a foot switch for controlling the amp (which has been customised to smeg like the pedal board) .

The final gift, is my favourite, it's an ESP LTD MH-201, it's such a nice guitar featuring most of what I like about guitars. It features 24 frets and a floating tremolo bridge, which is perfect for some of the songs I've been wanting to use, since my other guitar has 22 frets and a Bigsby bridge, and unfortunately you can't dive-bomb with a Bigsby. That guitar is a lot of fun to play with, and it has been set up so perfectly, but there are a few minor imperfections in it's finish and feel.

Thanks to my gifts I don't think my neighbours like me much anymore, but screw them, I'm a musician they aren't meant to like me. Anyway I'm not sure how long the guitar, amp and pedal board will be in my possession since I'm only supposed to be looking after them. I'm actually surprised I was able to convince my brother to let me look after the ESP let alone everything else, which he sort of just dumped on me, I was however, expecting the CD's, and there are a lot of good ones in that selection.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Fun in Hanley!

Last week I had the great pleasure of going to Hanley with Zed and Nath. During that trip I was able to demo a Gretsch G5420T Electromatic and I even offended myself and more importantly I offended two fourteen year-old girls. I also went up to Hanley another time (just with Nathan that time) to sell my Xbox, and get judged by many people along the way.

About the Gretsch, I fell in love with that beauty the moment I touched it. The best part was that the guys at the shop loaded the amp up with a nice amount of drive. This gave the usually clean Gretsch a nice amount of filthy sound, perfect for playing Black Sabbath, Burzum and the shit I write, I might even add that the staff at that store were quite impressed with the song I played for them.

Whilst in Hanley that day I met two fourteen year-old girls, one of which was wearing an obscenely lacey choker. So me being the bastard that I am decided to tell her that garters aren't supposed to be worn that way. This confused the poor little girl, she apparently didn't know what a garter was and I then had to explain to her what a garter was. After I had finished explaining everything she took the "garter" off, and me, Nath and Zed walked away laughing.

Te next trip up to Hanley involved getting judged by pretty much everyone we walked near. The best one was the slutty looking girl who bet that me and Nath weren't real rockers. To which I responded by ripping them in my Bronies UK post, after of course holding Nath back to stop him from obliterating them.

The only other event of interest, was that I was given some nice things from Nath, one of them being a pair of leather trousers, another being a G3 Sweetie Belle toy and the last being a denim cut-off jacket, which I have taken to a bloke in Hanley to have the Rush 2112 album cover airbrushed onto the back of it, and I'm collecting it tomorrow.

Anyway my week has been quite a fun one for me, I can't really be bothered to type about it all since I'm writing with one hand and eating a massive pink lollipop with the other. It's a damn tasty lollipop, but I don't know how long it'll last.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Soap Opera

Last week was very peculiar, in fact it was so peculiar and so oddly messed up that it felt more like a soap opera than the average week in the life of this particular twat. The only thing this week was missing was a gratuitous sex scene.

There were some mundane aspects to my week, for instance I played guitar, I played bass, I ate chocolate and I even watched some of my favourite films. But that is about it really, the majority of the week was spent terrorising the local (unpopular) park, and begging Zed to join me and Nath in an orgy.

As you can tell things got weird, but wait there's more, the weirdest thing that happened to me last week was that I got invited to a party, a party at some strangers house where there would be beer and a barbeque. I went, I thought it would be an interesting experience, but it wasn't. I just stood near someone I knew and ate three burgers, followed by drinking three bottles of Budweiser.

Onto the most interesting event of the week, Zed caught on to Ash's suspicions that she fancied Nath, so one day they decided to do a bit of role playing and started acting as a couple just to really get under his skin. It worked, he said otherwise, but even a dead chimpanzee could tell that it worked.

It was actually quite funny to watch Nath and Zed act as a couple, they played a really convincing part, even though they did both admit to it being the single most awkward moments of their lives (which might mean something entirely different). They even had a few special moments when Nath acted extra mad, and Zed walked up to Ash to ask if he had any idea what was wrong (Ash's face was priceless), and another moment where they engaged in an all out pillow fight which put Rarity's and Applejack's pillow fight to shame.

I admit it was all a bit harsh, but since Ash has been a bit of a pathetic fuck-around lately, we decided to get back at him, especially since he quit the band, just after I managed to succeed in getting a place with a drumkit for us to practice. What a tit. The funny part was that he quit because we mentioned make-up, he can happily "dance" but he won't go near make-up, I hope he makes it onto television.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Looking the Part!

The last week has been quite epic for me, and today was quite interesting since we mixed things up a bit. The first thing that happened is I had a quick changed of appearance, a new hair style to be precise. The next thing of interest that happened was the compliment I received about my post on Bronies UK. And finally there was today, probably the most interesting day of them all.

So I'm going to start with my new look, because that seems like the best thing to start with, and I also like to go in chronological order. I decided since I'm in a pop-punk band (which will most likely end up as a hardcore punk-metal band) I'd give myself a punk hairstyle, and being the big Misfits fan, I decided to chose the devilock.

Everything went well at first, my hair was of a decent length, not quite long enough for Doyle's or Jerry's variant of the devilock, but it was perfect for Danzig's version, which is the one I'm aiming for. Anyway I combed through my hair to quickly remove my knots and left the fate of the back and sides of my head to my dad, and his barber skills.

That all went well and once the easy bit was over and done with I had a shower and went to bed, it was late and I couldn't be bothered to do anything further at the time. Come morning I started crafting my evil mop into a devilock, firstly by straightening it, and then by coating it in the only hair styling product I had available, Murray's Superior Pomade. It's excellent stuff, but pomade was not designed to hold a devilock in place, and so I ended up just going for that hipster look and combed everything to the left until I had some appropriate product.

Moving swiftly on, on Friday I did my second real post on Bronies UK (I say real because I don't exactly count my first post). Once that was posted I sent it to Zed, because she enjoyed my first real post and wanted to read the second once it was up. As soon as she finished reading it she sent me a message on Facebook reading "I love your writing, it gives my a unique look on life!" I didn't really know what to say to that so I just awkwardly smiled at my screen, thankful that I wasn't in a video chat with her, otherwise it would have been weird.

Today was when the fun really began, Zed decided to come to me instead of have me go to her. Naturally Nath also decided to show up, and then we decided to move to his house since my room is only just big enough to have two of us in here, let alone three of us with guitars.

Well after a ninety minute "guitar lesson" we decided that we should stop and just terrorise the town like the typical teenagers, so we went to the park and literally just played on the swings like little kids. The only thing remotely bad that we were doing was listening to psychobilly songs through the speakers of my crappy phone.

My currant task is actually to start getting my mate Ash running, because he literally just told me he wants to get fit, so I'm gonna support him and help him. After that i can go back to eating pizza and rocking out. I've also got to create my half of our bands setlist, I have twenty-five minutes worth of music to choose.