Unlike last week, this week was very productive, I was also quite lonely for most of it. Also this week did have an interesting event, or at least interesting compared to everything else I do, it was the Year 11 Music Concert!
I'd like to first get the bit that you're probably not so interested in, my Warhammer game with my brother, William. Yet again it was my Dark Angels versus his Eldar, and yet again I got annihilated. I am at least slowly staring to understand the rules, I still don't have the grasp on strategy that I really need, but I'm getting the rules down. As it turns out I'm also short on firepower, so that needs changing, seems like the best way to do that would be by spending another £70, and naturally, I don't have £70 to spend on Warhammer models.
The title of this post consists of the three most interesting parts of my week, and I'll talk about them in that order. The first point, Music, is about the concert I mentioned in the first paragraph. I watched it solely because my friend Lydia Sweetmore (and contrary to my girlfriends beliefs, we are just friends) was performing in it. Unfortunately it wasn't the sort of concert where you can jump up and down like an idiot and start a mosh pit: it was an exam, so we all had to sit still and be quiet.
I know that may sound boring, sitting watching an exam for an hour and a half, but all the acts were pretty darn good, even the guys that screwed up, because they screwed up with dignity. I was actually impressed by the lack of screw ups, when I did that concert it was just full of failures, and mishaps. The only mistakes that happened in this concert was some girl (whose name I can't remember) forgot to tune the guitar she was playing before performing, and decided not to play guitar for the girl singing (whose name I also can't remember), instead she just clapped a beat. I'm not going to mention the other failure (which I didn't even notice) in case she finds this blog and tears out my spleen, yeah, she's a wee bit over-dramatic.
So what's all this about Love? simple really, I've started writing stories again, and I'm writing a romance, a strange romance, but a romance none the less. The story is about a fourteen year old lad named Jack Smyth, and about the unfortunate happenings that seem to occur to him, well actually it's about the new girl at school who he falls in love with, and the various misadventures they go on.
Speaking of Adventures, (this is even more anticlimactic), I'm planning on turning that Minecraft castle I started working on last week, into an adventure map, If that's ever finished I'll post it on Planet Minecraft so you can download it and get engrossed in whatever tale I can come up with.
As a final point, I was thinking I should learn bassoon, at least I was until I saw how much they cost. They're one of the few woodwind Instruments I like (alto and tenor saxophones being the other), they're also one of the hardest to play apparently. Annoyingly they aren't a very popular opinion, so they aren't manufactured in bulk, which means I have to fork out £900 to buy one, at least I can actually make that much in a year now (barely). I really need a proper job.
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