Monday, 14 April 2014

Totally Not a Date...

I actually had an interesting week, and since the Poison Dwarf is no longer a part of my life I can get to work on moving forward without getting slapped for every suggestion I make. I ended up spending the last week trying to woo another girl, and I ended up having a "Totally Not a Date" with her on Friday. I call it that because that's exactly what she called it (for now, I'm still friendzoned), and with how the plans changed it wasn't really a date anyway.

Our "Totally Not a date" was still fun, it started off with a walk that took us through three towns, because she lives a long way from school and she has to walk home, so I took the opportunity to walk home with her so I wouldn't get lost trying to find her house. Once we had arrived we sat around eating chocolate and laughing at the idiots who appear on reality TV, it doesn't get much better than that, until you order a Chinese.

I believe by definition a date actually involves going out somewhere, which was the original plan, but we couldn't be bothered, and that Chinese was much better than going to Pizza Hut. So it genuinely wasn't a date, it was just fun, and I don't think I moved any closer to leaving the friendzone, although I haven't spoken to her since Friday, so I can't say for sure.

To change the subject completely, my head is full of so many ideas, i just wished I had the money, the skill and more importantly the space to do them, I really can't wait for the day when I can move out, but that might be a while, a long while. There is a ridiculously slim chance that funds won't be a question for one of my ideas, but thinking that way is a little morbid, and I'd just be dreaming.

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