This week has actually been quite epic for me. I started it off with a pleasant trip to the House of Zed (and I'm going again tomorrow) with my good friend Keely. I also did a few other things during the week that were entertaining. The highlight was my awesome weekend.
The first thing that happened was my trip to the House of Zed, unfortunately Nath and Ash cancelled, but I still had Keely with me. We didn't really do much, I think we just asked each other fun and awkward questions and shared funny stories, none of which I remember. We also talked about getting me a brony friend to keep me happy.
Tuesday was pretty boring, but Wednesday brought with it an amazing surprise. My bro Nath became a brony, giving me the one thing I so desperately wanted on Monday, a brony friend to come to Ponycon 2014 with me. There was a problem though, he already has plans for that weekend, which was more than just a shame. Wednesday also brought another surprise, but I'm not allowed to talk about that one in the off chance that someone reads it who isn't supposed to find out from me.
Friday was when Nath went all out with his broniness (for that is now a word). He popped into my house, just as I was writing my first post for Bronies UK, and started showing off his new loot which he bought from Hanley. The first thing he shown me was a six-inch Applejack plush, then he pulled out a set of My Little Pony Top Trumps (which, as we found out earlier, are not show accurate), and after that he pulled out the My Little Pony comic issue number 21.
After he had finished showing everything off we decided it would be awesome for me to spend the weekend at his so we could have a brony party. We ended up watching most of the first season of the show, and we also did a bit of jamming, he even came up with a nice riff to use in a song.
Earlier today was when the fun was doubled, Ash came around (which he really shouldn't have done since the coward was meant to have gone to the House of Zed). He came bearing the best news, he had also become a brony, he has also said that he might join me in coming to Ponycon, that is of course if I can go, there is a slim chance the army prep course I'll be taking at college next year may prevent me from going.
On a completely unrelated note, I said in my last post that it was approaching my 100th video on Youtube. I would have uploaded it yesterday, but I was at Nathan's house which screwed me over a little bit (I also lost my 21 day streak on Duolingo). Instead I will be working on that video tomorrow, after that I will go to the House of Zed where I'll get to experience the Fall of Ash, which I'll tell you all about next week.
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