Sunday, 20 April 2014

GTA V Is Absolute Shite!

Since I have had little else to do I've spent the majority of the week playing video games, namely Skyrim and Killing Floor. I also played Grand Theft Auto V because it is apparently a really good game, but no, as it turns out it is probably the worst game to have been released so far in this decade, I'd rather play Fifa '14. I don't see what all the fuss was about a game with a horrendous control system, physics engine and story was all about, the overuse of the words "fuck" and "nigger" didn't help either. I've got nothing against profanity, but you can't make an entire sentence out of the words "fuck" and "nigger".

I suppose the fuss is all about the mindless violence, but really if I wanted to play a game with mindless violence I'd play Prototype, that at least has a story, and quite a good one in my opinion, hell even Crackdown has a better storyline than Grand Theft Auto. I may just be fussy when it comes to games, but I like games that have a decent storyline and a nice feel to the gameplay mechanics, I hope you can understand what I mean by that, because I can't explain it. Another thing I like is immersion, I like to feel like I'm part of the world the game is set, when I play Fallout 3 I feel like I'm the Lone-Wanderer who is saving the Capital Wasteland, when I play Gears of War 3 I feel like I'm fending off hordes of locusts, hell when I play Overlord I Feel like I'm an evil overlord who commands armies of goblins.

Sometimes there are great games that don't strictly have a storyline such as Minecraft, Team Fortress and Killing Floor. These games are great because they make up for it in gameplay, and you can make up your own storyline to them. On the other end of the scale there are bad games with good storylines, such as Too Human, which isn't worth talking about, and also Final Fantasy XIII which is just a film that pauses every now and again so you can move a character  four feet to the left so another cinematic can start.

Another thing I hate about Grand Theft Auto is the fact it kept changing my radio station from the classic rock station I left on to the station full of "music" that sounds like a bunch of fat people puking and farting along to some idiot smacking a bass drum with his face, or the other station that was full of lyrics that must have been written by a four year old with tourettes because every line in it is so disjointed, and full of profanity and, more importantly, there isn't a single piece of punctuation to be found in any of them damned "songs".

If you haven't guessed I really despise Grand Theft Auto, I'd rather vigorously dildo myself with a rasp than play it again. If your interested in a few games I approve of try these ones:
Killing Floor
Blue Dragon
Fallout 3
Diablo II
Half Life

On a completely unrelated topic I watched Fight Club last night for the first time and it probably one of the best films I have ever seen, so I'll be buying that on DVD as soon as I get the opportunity. I also watched the first two episodes of a show called Person of Interest, which was pretty damned good, so I'll be watching the rest of those when I'm done with Breaking Bad.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Totally Not a Date...

I actually had an interesting week, and since the Poison Dwarf is no longer a part of my life I can get to work on moving forward without getting slapped for every suggestion I make. I ended up spending the last week trying to woo another girl, and I ended up having a "Totally Not a Date" with her on Friday. I call it that because that's exactly what she called it (for now, I'm still friendzoned), and with how the plans changed it wasn't really a date anyway.

Our "Totally Not a date" was still fun, it started off with a walk that took us through three towns, because she lives a long way from school and she has to walk home, so I took the opportunity to walk home with her so I wouldn't get lost trying to find her house. Once we had arrived we sat around eating chocolate and laughing at the idiots who appear on reality TV, it doesn't get much better than that, until you order a Chinese.

I believe by definition a date actually involves going out somewhere, which was the original plan, but we couldn't be bothered, and that Chinese was much better than going to Pizza Hut. So it genuinely wasn't a date, it was just fun, and I don't think I moved any closer to leaving the friendzone, although I haven't spoken to her since Friday, so I can't say for sure.

To change the subject completely, my head is full of so many ideas, i just wished I had the money, the skill and more importantly the space to do them, I really can't wait for the day when I can move out, but that might be a while, a long while. There is a ridiculously slim chance that funds won't be a question for one of my ideas, but thinking that way is a little morbid, and I'd just be dreaming.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Some Nice Advice...

If you read my last post you should have guessed hat this week was actually quite depressing, watching romantic films earlier definitely didn't help either. I think I've successfully managed to piss off a nice portion of the school, I've successfully pissed of my ex, but I had no choice, I needed to piss her off, and I managed to get rejected by the girl who has been flirting with me for over two years now, when I didn't even ask her out in the first place. My week was just swell...

Anyway, I did manage to reconnect with my good old mate Matty, and I spent a nice portion of the week playing Gears of War 3 with him, I also went on a bike ride with him and my other mate, who is also called Matty (just to be awkward, but thankfully the other Matty who I talk to didn't join us, and I know many more Matty's), and this bike ride really pissed off my step mother because I got her bike really dirty, but that is what she gets when she buys my bike off of me instead of fixing up the bike I gave to her free of charge.

About the situation with my ex, I think I've successfully made it so she won't talk to me again, and I've stole her friendship circle. That should make me an asshole, and I should feel bad about it, but I already knew I was an asshole, and I fell perfectly fine with it. The only reason I feel fine with it is simply because we tried being friends once and it didn't work out, we just reconciled in the general hope that we'd both put effort in, I put effort into making that relationship work, she claims she did. Now she's gone, well not really I still share the same damned lessons as her.

I think Friday was the most depressing day of the week, I spent it telling my friend Zaina (who was one of those from my ex's friendship circle) about the things I did for my ex while we were together, the little things things that I did because I cared for her. She never cared about those things I did for her, she just berated me for them.

I did learn a few things though, firstly if you're going to fuck shit up, make sure you do it properly, and secondly, always make contingency plans...