Monday, 31 March 2014

Late Post is Late... Again

I'd like to apologise for the lateness of this post, yet again my brother threw my schedule off. I'll be honest with you last week was not even remotely interesting, I thought it would be, but it really wasn't. So this post is just about today.

The first thing I did when I got into school today was cause a lot of controversy and get my self into some serious trouble. How you ask? I wrote a song, however, this wasn't just any song, this was a special song that was designed to be performed at the Sixth Form Leavers Assembly. The reason it caused so much controversy is because I named certain people I despise, and insulted them. It was worth all the trouble, it brightened up my day, it was an epic experiment to see how quickly news travels around the school (25 minutes), and the damn annoying wench I hate, now knows that I hate her. Job well done if you ask me.

The annoying thing that happened to me today is that I found out I only have one more guitar lesson left, so I won't be doing a graded exam. It's a shame, but I can cope, I'll just buy the books from Amazon and learn everything myself (well that's the idea anyway).

Finally I got dumped, I sure as hell hope she doesn't want to remain friends because that didn't work last time, so it sure as hell won't work again, I plan on staying dumped, until another subject approaches worth dating, and no, I don't care how bad that sounds.

About this "damn annoying wench" I mentioned earlier, the only reason I included her into this song was to prove to my jealous (at the time) girlfriend that I didn't like her, so I was quite pleased to know that the "damn annoying wench" was giving me nasty looks between tears. Now I think it was a waste to include her in my song (which I titled Screw You by the way), since Dana dumped me anyway. I guess jealousy wasn't the only reason she wanted me gone.

Anyway the one thing the "damn annoying wench" doesn't know is that the song I wrote for my year 11 music GCSE was actually about her, I hated her vanity (back when I had self-esteem issues), so I wrote a song about how she'd only look pretty if I doused her in kerosene and burned her alive. It got me a Distinction.

Anyway now that I'm no longer tethered to a post, I guess I can go back to doing stupid things again! The only problem is, I've had a girlfriend for so long I can't remember how to be single. I guess I'll just have to sit at home with my Warhammer figures and watch cartoons while I either paint them or play bass.

Speaking of basses I'm being lent a 6-string bass, so I can finally start learning some Dream Theater songs.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Late Post is Late

Yes this post is a day late, my only excuse is I had a barbecue with my bro and that threw off my schedule, but know one really cares, only three people will actually read this post anyway.

Anyway I finished writing my story and I'm handing out copies to people willing to give me constructive criticism, I haven't received any yet, but I will. According to MS Word 2010 it has 10,515 words which means I won the little "bet" I had with my mate Freddo, who said I'd get bored of writing before I made it to ten thousand words, and since I have done more than ten thousand words I get an Easter Egg, but he's too embarrassed to buy me a Disney Princess Easter Egg, which is a shame, I love Disney Princesses.

The only other thing that happened to me last week was actually quite a pain in the ass, me and my girlfriend of over two years, Dana, briefly split up, we were saved after Alice Cooper said some really nice inspirational words that, in my tired stupor, I forgot. Despite my forgetfulness I still sent Alice an email thanking him for saving my relationship.

this week looks like it's going to be quite a ball-ache, one day in and I'm given a ridiculous job, which I'll tell you about on Sunday, if I remember this time.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Confusion? Depression? What the Smeg am I Actually Doing?

It's that time of the week again when I say something to try and help me keep track of my life. I'm pleased to say that this week week went without a hitch, well almost without a hitch, there was a minor breakdown on Wednesday.

I'd like to start by saying simply that every one comes to that point in their life when they begin to doubt their sexuality, I've been in that point for over two years now. I don't know why I'm still there, but I am. I guess it has something to do with the simple fact my girlfriend wears the trousers in this relationship. I'm sure there is something wrong about me needed to force her to watch a romantic film with me, I'm sure there is something wrong with me dragging her on a shopping trip. Seriously, shouldn't those be the other way around?

So if you haven't guessed, I'm kind of confused. I suppose I just have slight self-esteem issues, I guess that's quite common amongst teenagers like myself, and if you couple it with my vanity I guess that just puts me in denial, so at least I'm finally realising and admitting my problems. But I get the feeling that is also quite common, and as far as I'm concerned my vanity helps me with my self-esteem issues on the short-term, and the long-term is too far away for me to give two shits about, (and trust me I can't actually throw one shit that far let alone two).

My minor breakdown on Wednesday was nothing serious, it's like every other teenage relation relationship problem but without the assistance of drugs, or alcohol, or sex, and it didn't end in me getting dumped. I guess that means it wasn't like every other relationship problem then, so never mind.

Now for the important part, what the smeg am I doing? to be perfectly honest, I have no clue. I've been running, I've been writing, I've not been paying attention in class, I've been wishing I owned a contrabassoon (or I could at least afford one), and I've surprised my music teacher with my knowledge of classical music. But those things aren't really going to help me get any where in my life.

The problem with being eighteen is that everyone expects you to know what it is you want to do, and to also know how you're going to go about doing it, yet with the way things are, I don't think I stand much of a chance in getting to where I want to go, especially since all my plans have been destroyed.

If you read my first post on this blog you'd know that I want to join the army as a soldier, that is Plan A, but a few things have happened which make that unlikely, number one is that the army is supposed to be reducing in size, which means my chances of getting in have also been reduced, number two is that the nearest recruitment centre has been demolished so the next nearest is too far far away, and number three, my only remaining option is to apply online, which is a big problem.

There is a simple reason as to why it has a big problem and that is because my doctor screwed up my medical report when I was about eighteen months old. My records say I'm allergic to penicillin, which I'm not, but of course if I put I'm not allergic to penicillin in the medical test my record will get viewed and they will see that it says I am, therefore I'll be rejected from the army for lying about my medical. the next problem is that there is no "further comments" box in that questionnaire so I can't explain myself. And the final problem is that this is my last shot, I can only apply twice every twelve months.

Plans B & C are less attainable, so they don't make very good back-up plans. Plan B is to become a firefighter: Plan C, an author. This means I need a Plan D and I have no idea what I want to do with my life that I could use as a Plan D, maybe I'll just some Cthulhu and have him destroy the world so i don't have to worry any more, but I doubt an elder god will listen to me, so he'll most likely destroy me instead (if he answers my summons of course).

The only Plan D I can think of I'm a bit late to act upon, and That's go to university, the problem is the course I want to take requires me to be grade six in an orchestral instrument, I'm currently working towards grade five in guitar, but I don't think that counts as an orchestral instrument, and finally I can't afford a contrabassoon.

On the upside my short story is coming along nicely, and I should be able to finish it this week and start work on my next one. I have a few stories in mind, but two of them are going to require a bit of practise beforehand, so that's why I'm writing the shorter stories first.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Music, Love & Adventure?

Unlike last week, this week was very productive, I was also quite lonely for most of it. Also this week did have an interesting event, or at least interesting compared to everything else I do, it was the Year 11 Music Concert!

I'd like to first get the bit that you're probably not so interested in, my Warhammer game with my brother, William. Yet again it was my Dark Angels versus his Eldar, and yet again I got annihilated. I am at least slowly staring to understand the rules, I still don't have the grasp on strategy that I really need, but I'm getting the rules down. As it turns out I'm also short on firepower, so that needs changing, seems like the best way to do that would be by spending another £70, and naturally, I don't have £70 to spend on Warhammer models.

The title of this post consists of the three most interesting parts of my week, and I'll talk about them in that order. The first point, Music, is about the concert I mentioned in the first paragraph. I watched it solely because my friend Lydia Sweetmore (and contrary to my girlfriends beliefs, we are just friends) was performing in it. Unfortunately it wasn't the sort of concert where you can jump up and down like an idiot and start a mosh pit: it was an exam, so we all had to sit still and be quiet.

I know that may sound boring, sitting watching an exam for an hour and a half, but all the acts were pretty darn good, even the guys that screwed up, because they screwed up with dignity. I was actually impressed by the lack of screw ups, when I did that concert it was just full of failures, and mishaps. The only mistakes that happened in this concert was some girl (whose name I can't remember) forgot to tune the guitar she was playing before performing, and decided not to play guitar for the girl singing (whose name I also can't remember), instead she just clapped a beat. I'm not going to mention the other failure (which I didn't even notice) in case she finds this blog and tears out my spleen, yeah, she's a wee bit over-dramatic.

So what's all this about Love? simple really, I've started writing stories again, and I'm writing a romance, a strange romance, but a romance none the less. The story is about a fourteen year old lad named Jack Smyth, and about the unfortunate happenings that seem to occur to him, well actually it's about the new girl at school who he falls in love with, and the various misadventures they go on.

Speaking of Adventures, (this is even more anticlimactic), I'm planning on turning that Minecraft castle I started working on last week, into an adventure map, If that's ever finished I'll post it on Planet Minecraft so you can download it and get engrossed in whatever tale I can come up with.

As a final point, I was thinking I should learn bassoon, at least I was until I saw how much they cost. They're one of the few woodwind Instruments I like (alto and tenor saxophones being the other), they're also one of the hardest to play apparently. Annoyingly they aren't a very popular opinion, so they aren't manufactured in bulk, which means I have to fork out £900 to buy one, at least I can actually make that much in a year now (barely). I really need a proper job.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Lone Lonely Loner Alone in a Fortress of Solitude

As the title suggests I've been quite lonely this week (and yes the title is a Sid quote from Ice Age 3). I've been lonely for two reasons the first of which is that my girlfriend has been very ill since Wednesday and I haven't been able to see her. The second is that I have no other friends outside of school. I used to have another mate outside of school, but he became so unreliable, I gave up trying to keep in touch with him.

Unfortunately despite my lack of distractions at school, I haven't been able to keep up with my business coursework, but that's okay, I'll only get a detention or two, and the last detention I had with that teacher was actually the most entertaining hour of my life, for two reasons: I couldn't get over the stupidity of the offence I'd committed to get that detention in the first place, and also I was in detention with my girlfriend (who had committed the exact same offence), and since the teacher was marking work not paying attention to us, we spent the entire hour making out.

I get the feeling that you're wondering what that offence was, so I'll tell you, we were asked a stupid question about our personal achievements so we answered them honestly, I wrote that I successfully performed in the school talent show without getting booed off stage, and Dana simply wrote "I've done nothing of worth." Apparently that is really bad behaviour. Even more interesting, we both ended up receiving a special lesson about lying and padding our CV's (from the head of Sixth Form too).

But that was ages ago, and I highly doubt this detention will consist of snogging. But hell, it's not my fault my teacher is unreliable, and is hardly ever in, more importantly when she is in she just says we have got work to do, not what the work is, or how to do it, just that we have it. I guess it really is a teachers job to be awkward.

This weekend was painful though, yesterday was my brothers 25th birthday, so I promised him a Warhammer game, naturally the midget bastard kicked my arse, but i still wiped out his most powerful unit with one bloke, that unit would of been annihilated beforehand if William didn't suddenly remember that Eldar vehicles get the Jink rule when the move, and that saved his precious cargo from being obliterated by my rocket.

If that wasn't interesting the rest of my weekend was even less interesting, I watched romantic comedies after that Warhammer game, I wanted to watch both Princess Diaries films, but they have been taken off of Netflix, just like everything else I wanted to watch. I spent most of today building a castle on Minecraft, I only ever use creative mode on Minecraft when I'm especially bored, so I don't know what came over me earlier.

On the upside the new League of Legends champion Vel'Koz, who has just been released, is epic and I think I'm going to have a game now.